Eckford Street Studio and COVID-19
While the coronavirus pandemic has forced us to close our doors, it cannot keep us from bringing you art! Several of our regular programs are available online as interactive, virtual experiences. We are also rolling out new virtual programming each week! Is there something you would really like to see us provide online? Let us know!
* L I V E I N O U R V I R T U A L S T U D I O *
click on the program name for more info
Art as Contemplative Practice: Explore the connection between mindfulness and creativity. All levels welcome!
Figure Drawing Tuesday: Our weekly BYOB model drawing event, brought to you in your home!
Art and the Everyday: Drop-in classes investigating our immediate surroundings as motivation for creative practice.
From Looking to Making: Eckford Street Studio's unique drawing fundamentals course, adapted for our virtual studio!
Art After Lunch (ages 5-11yrs): Take an online art break in the middle of the day. All are welcome!
Community Mondays (ages 5-11yrs): Drop-in, pay-what-you-wish Art After School. All are welcome!
Saturday Art Club (ages 11-16yrs): Drop-in, pay-what-you-wish drawing and making challenges led by teaching artist Iviva Olenick!
Virtual ARTLAB with Harriet Tebbets (ages 2-4yrs): Art shenanigans for tots with studio favorite, Harriet Tebbets!
June 1 - June 14: Half of every dollar collected for drop in programs will go to Teens of Color Abroad, whose mission is to cultivate the next generation of globally conscious youth of color through full language immersion study abroad experiences.
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Activity: Sketchbooks and Drawing Games
A sketchbook is an important tool for many artists. Among other things, it can serve as a portable studio, when you are not able to make it to yours! In this demo, artists will learn to make a sketchbook from any piece of paper with a single cut. Then we will practice some drawing games that can be played alone, or with a partner!
Paper, ideally 8.5” x 11” or larger
Pencil, any kind
Paper plate or stiff piece of paper or cardboard
Questions to ask your child before you watch:
How do you like to use your sketchbook?
What else might a sketchbook be used for?

Activities included in recorded demo:
Making a poncho sketchbook
Neverending shape game
A thousand lines game
Blind contour drawing
Reflection questions to ask your child:
Which drawing activity would you like to try again? What might you do differently?
Which drawing surprised you the most?
What will you put on the blank page of your book?
We welcome photos or videos of students sharing their work! Please email to info@esscp.org.
Additional resources
"Letter of Recommendation: Blind Contour Drawing"
How to fold a poncho book from Esther K. Smith’s How to Make Books (Amazon link)
Support affordable art education in your community!
Your donation means more art classes for local kids and families,
regardless of income or experience.
To donate by credit card:
Please complete the online form below.
Most credit cards accepted; credit card processing fee applies.
Donate by cash or check, in person or by mail:
c/o Eckford Street Studio
70 Eckford Street
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Please contact us at 347-464-6929, or at info@esscp.org with questions.